Thursday 22 December 2016

Design the kitchen of your dreams!!

There is nothing more inviting than a beautiful, organized, and warm kitchen. Kitchen is truly the heart of any home. The kitchen incorporates multiple functions, from a cooking place to a family gathering spot. In short, it is one of the busiest areas, where a whole lot of action is happening. Designing the ideal kitchen is not an easy task because the kitchen should be stylish and pretty, as well as practical and efficient.

Below are tips for creating your dream kitchen. Relax and have fun with your kitchen regardless of the size of your kitchen or the budget.

Plan Smartly

Do not underestimate the importance of a good kitchen plan. Having an effective layout can help you maximize your storage space, make the most of your finances, and avoid overspending. A smart plan constitutes two things: a to-scale drawing and a “wish list”.

First think about your needs. Do you want more storage, floor space, or style? It is a good idea to identify your cooking habits and align them with your kitchen design.

As for the “wish list”, make it extensive and detailed, you minimize the risk of forgetting something by creating a folder with pictures of rooms from magazines, materials and products.

Have a Working Area

While creating your plan, think about the working area of your kitchen. Surely, you will move across the whole space, but while cooking you will most likely concentrate one particular zone. Use work triangular layout between the three key spots in the kitchen: the cook top (hob), the sink and the fridge. Make the layout flow as natural and functional as possible. You do not want to cross the entire kitchen just to wash your products and then return to the cooking Area.

Know Your Place

Don’t try to steal the designs from magazines or the internet. These design are created by a professional designer and are particularly designed for a certain place to get the look-feel the designer wants to convey. Your space will be different so copying others does not make much sense. Instead, you need to work with your own space as every kitchen has a different size and shape. For instance, you should not buy a massive counter-top when you do not have the space to install all of it.

Think about your life style and customize your kitchen according to your habits.

Use Practical Materials

The kitchen should not only be pretty, but useful as well. This means that most of the items in this area are subject to a lot of wear and tear. The counter-top is traditionally one of the most vulnerable spots. Granite, stainless steel, quartz and laminates are a sensible choice.

Consider getting a backsplash material that requires less cleaning effort. This area is exposed to greasy stains and water spills that can ruin your kitchen interior.

While busy with the tiles and cabinetry, do not dismiss the flooring. Materials like linoleum make the cleaning far easier. Wooden Flooring may be gorgeous, but it needs special care.

Effective Storage Solutions

The kitchen tends to collect a lot of things and thus can become quite messy. That is why storage solutions have a central place in the kitchen design. Open storage unit will give you additional space for your belongings and it will enlarge the room. These storage options don’t take too much floor area and will give you more area to move.

If you are not into the idea of open shelving, install crockery drawers to have your glasses and plates perfectly organized. They can be fitted to accommodate to items with different size and shape. You can also put shelving along the ceiling and store infrequently used items there.

See the light

Careful lighting can change the feel of your kitchen, especially if it’s a small room. Spotlight important areas of the kitchen with strategically installed lights. Use wall-mount lamps to illuminate work zones, such as the sink, island, and stove top.

Power play

Be sure there are appropriate power sources for relocated or new appliances. Many people realize too late that they don't have the right gas or electric lines. It is important that we buy the appliances that fit comfortably into allocated spaces.

Paint it!

White is an ultimate classic when it comes to kitchen design. It goes well with basically everything and it gives you the opportunity to play with the furniture and accessories. Neutral tones such as cream, ivory and grey will evoke sophistication. If these shades are too cold for you, pick a vibrant green or pale shade of blue. Colors like light yellow reflect natural light and will give a cozy and warm feeling.

The safest way to ensure you get the color scheme just right is to choose a color palette that gives you a wide range of choices to decide from. Pick a primary shade that will go on your wall and secondary colors for your furniture and accessories.

The secret to the perfect kitchen design is to add your personal touch. Fill the space with your favorite cookware, cooking books, or whatever strikes your fancy. Expose your amazing taste and create a kitchen space that is truly yours.

“There may be some instances where we simply cannot picture our perfect kitchen. We don’t know what will work with space, we don’t know how to make the best use of the light available or we have no idea where to start when planning a kitchen. So, it is a good idea to contact a professional interior designer and see what ideas they may have about your available space.”

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